Monday, 4 July 2016

Festival Hair + Makeup Inspiration - Cultural Appropriation

In a few weeks I'm heading off to Latitude Festival and despite it not being my first festival, it's the first time I feel I can fully unleash my OTT festival goer look.
I doubt rocking up to Reading last year with glittered eyebrows would've gone down too well...

If you're not 100% sure what meant by the term "cultural appropriation", put simply, it's when a person adopts a different cultures practises and/or costume disrespectfully, purely for aesthetic purposes.  It carries strong connotations of western cultures exercising their privilege to completely disregard the sacred elements of cultures that have been around for thousands of years. 

Festivals are renowned for being pretty appalling when it comes to cultural appropriation. The first images I saw when looking up "festival outfits" or "festival makeup" on Pinterest were of people wearing bindis and elaborate, red-Indian head dresses. 

Luckily, there are hundreds of other ways to jazz up your festival look whilst still being a perfectly respectful and party ready punter... 

Metallic Winged liner / Shimmery eyeshadow or coloured mascara - some of the easiest and most subtle ways to experiment with you festival look if you not such a fan of the full on glitter brow or confetti inspired eye makeup.

Glitter Hair - This looks amazing but I'm not going to lie, the idea of covering my hair in shimmer freaks me out just a tad... If, like me, you're a bit of a glitter wimp you could just paint a couple of strands with glitter paint or get some colourful hair clip ins. 

Gems and Sequins - When In doubt put a bit of Vaseline on your cheeks (acts as adhesive) and whack on some stars or other multi-coloured sequins! 

What festivals are you heading off to this summer? 

(also, don't underestimate Claire's Accessories... They've got your glitter, gem and clip in needs covered... Unleash you're inner 6 year old.)

- Lola -